Privacy Policy

Last revised 22nd March 2022

  1. Introduction

Thanks for choosing What’s on In Eccleshall (“WOIE”) and using our website!

WOIE is a not for profit organisation based in Eccleshall, Staffordshire, England. is the registered web domain for WOIE.

We aim to give you the best experience possible, at all times.  Our intention is to give you a user experience that knocks your socks off, in terms of the ease of use of our systems, how great they look and what they can do.  We also recognise that part of you using our systems is knowing that the data you put in to our systems is safe and secure.  This policy sets out how and why we gather personal data, what we do with it, how long we keep it for and what your rights are with regard to the data that we hold.

  1. About our Policy

This Privacy Policy coves how we use personal data when you use our websites and our services.  The terms governing your use of our systems and services are outlined in our licence agreements with you and our published terms and conditions of use.

From time to time we may develop new services and/or may give you access to additional services that we already have.  If not otherwise stated, this Policy will continue to apply.  However, if our actions results in a change to the way we deal with personal data, we’ll tell you about it. 

This Policy covers all of our existing services and will be reviewed from time to time.  We will undertake to review this policy where:

  • We introduce a new system/service;
  • We develop new functionality which requires the collection of additional data from you;
  • We change the personal data that we collect or how we process it;
  • We change the length of time we retain any personal information;
  • There is a change in the law;
  • Or at any rate, at least every 6 months.

The systems falling within the scope of this Policy are:

  • WOIE website
  • WOIE marketing/newsletter

If you need further clarity on this Policy, please contact us using the details in the Contact us section (below).

WOIE is both a data controller and data processor for the purposes of its systems and its websites.  We are a data controller because we decide the personal information we need to collect from you so that we can provide the services to you.  We are a data processor because we store and analyse the information that you provide to us.

As a user of our systems you are a data processor as you input data in to our systems in order to access and/or produce a report from these and/or provide us with information so we can confirm your eligibility for funded support.  In some circumstances you will also be a data controller e.g. where our systems allow you to add your own content or where you have also made decisions about the personal data collected via a system, and what should be done with it.  Where you are also a controller, you must make sure it does not infringe anyone’s personal rights under the General Data Protection Regulations, Data Protection Act and other associated or relevant legislation as you could be held liable for prosecution.

  1. What personal data do we collect

The General Data Protection Regulations, as enacted by the Data Protection Act provide certain rights for those whom we collect information from, and obligations for us as a data controller and/or processor in relation to the personal data that you provide only.  Personal data is anything from which a living individual can be identified.  Therefore some data that you input in to our systems and sites will be naturally excluded from the scope of this Policy as it is not personal information e.g. limited company financials.

The following personal data is collected via our services:

  • Name
  • Contact details including email
  • Age band
  1. Why do we collect this personal data?

We collect this personal information so that we can:

  • Give you access to our services;
  • make you aware of events, activities and offers that may be relevant to you;
  • send you newsletter information where you have signed up to receive this;
  • get back in touch with you.
  1. What do we do with your personal data?

We only retain your personal data for as long as we need to, to perform our contract of service with you, for legitimate business reasons or to comply with other legal requirements.  We do not sell or share your data with third parties, though our systems may provide the functionality for our users to share data with third parties for the purposes of allowing others to contact you to progress specific business enquiries that you have made.

No data is publicly available through our systems, though we may use publicly available information to help populate your details in our systems.

Sharing your Data

Whilst we do not generally share your information, we need to from time to time. 

Category of Recipient

Reason for Sharing

Service Providers and Others

We use technical service providers which may operate the technical infrastructure that we need to provide our systems, in particular providers which host, store, manage, and maintain our applications, its content and the data we process. 

Law Enforcement and Data Protection Authorities

We will share your personal data when we in good faith believe it is necessary for us to do so in order to comply with a legal obligation under applicable law, or respond to valid legal process, such as a search warrant, a court order, or a subpoena. 

We also will share your personal data where we in good faith believe that it is necessary for the purpose of our own, or a third party’s legitimate interest relating to national security, law enforcement, litigation, criminal investigation, protecting the safety of any person, or to prevent death or imminent bodily harm, provided that we deem that such interest is not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms requiring the protection

Purchasers of our business

We will share your personal data in those cases where we sell or negotiate to sell our business to a buyer or prospective buyer. In this situation, WOIE will continue to ensure the confidentiality of your personal data and give you notice before your personal data is transferred to the buyer or becomes subject to a different Privacy Policy.


We store all personal data securely with regular back-ups running to prevent data loss or corruption.

  1. Security measures around your personal data – Keeping your personal data safe

We are committed to protecting the personal data held within our systems.  We implement appropriate technical and organisational measures to help protect the security of your personal data; however please note that no system is ever completely secure.  We have implemented various policies and practices including pseudonymisation of data, encryption, access and data retention policies to guard against unauthorised access and unnecessary retention of personal data in our systems

Where a service requires a password, this protects your account, so we encourage you to use a unique, strong password, limit access to your computer and browser and log out when you have finished using our systems.  It is a part of the terms and conditions of you use of our systems that you do not share any username or password for our systems with any other person.

Where you email us, it is important that you ensure you have appropriate security measures in place yourself, for the secure transmission of any messages to us.

  1. Your rights in relation to your personal data

You have a right to request details of any personal data we hold about you, along with rights to have that data corrected (if incorrect), deleted and/or anonymised.  If you wish to exercise these rights, please make a request in writing using the details in the Contact us section of this policy.  We will respond to all written requests within 1 month of receipt.  If we can’t comply with your request we’ll tell you why not.  In certain circumstances, we may be legally required to maintain certain personal data e.g.:

  • If there is an unresolved issue relating to your account such as outstanding payments or an unresolved claim or dispute we will retain personal data until the issue is resolved;
  • Where the law dictates we retain personal information for financial, audit, tax, legal or accounting obligations;
  • Where our legitimate business interests require us to e.g. to maintain the security of our users

It should be noted that very limited personal data is collected from use of the WOIE services.

  1. Transfer of data to other countries

We may transfer personal data to other countries.  Where we do so, we ensure those other countries are either within the European Economic Area or have been deemed to have equivalent levels of protections for safeguarding data.

  1. Links/Advertisements

Some of our systems may display advertisements and links to third parties.  We cannot be held responsible for third parties’ privacy practices and content.  If you click on any third party link, you are leaving the WOIE service and this Privacy Policy will not apply once you leave our service.  Please read their respective Privacy Policies before you provide any personal data.

  1. Children

WOIE does not target its registration services at those under 13 years of age.  In most instances, the process for signing up for our newsletter will safeguard against use by children.  However:

  1. If you are under 13 years and seeking to use our services, please do not register
  2. If you are aware someone under 13 has registered to use our system, please contact us using the Contact Information section of this Policy.

If we become aware we have data related to a person under the age of 13, we will take reasonable steps to remove that data from our system which may include deleting any account/s.

  1. Changes to this Policy

Sometimes we’ll need to change and update this Policy.  If we do, we’ll tell you and give you enough notice, as circumstances permit, that things are changing.  Please make sure you read the Policy carefully and take note of any notices we send you to advise of changes.

  1. Contact us

You can contact us in the following ways:

Email to:

By post to:       WOIE

                        3 Castle Street


                        ST21 6DF
